New Club House


Preparing the access road for the new club house delivery 2


Preparing the access road for the new club house delivery

LMFC-inward- (12) (1)

Preparing the access road for the new club house delivery 3


Getting the sleepers in position to receive the new containers

Containers arriving 2020-10-14 at 14.18.09

Containers being off loaded at the Equestian centre staging post

Containers in equestrian centre

Containers off loaded at the Equestian centre staging post

!0' on site 2020-10-15 at 09.30.53

1st (storage) container delivered to site and equipment transferred

20' arriving 2020-10-15 at 10.20.40

New Club House being placed in position

20' landed 2020-10-15 at 10.20.59

New Club House positioned

Bye Bye to the old one 2020-10-15 at 10.35.37

Old container loaded ready for removal

Towing the stuck lorry out 2020-10-15 at 12.25.21

Recovery of stuck lorry

All in place 2020-10-15 at 12.43.58

New Club House and Storage Container all positioned and ready for use

2020-10-30 Lighting and work bench 2
KSGR1803 DRIZ0405 LMFC-inward- (12) (1) APQR9266 Containers arriving 2020-10-14 at 14.18.09 Containers in equestrian centre !0' on site 2020-10-15 at 09.30.53 20' arriving 2020-10-15 at 10.20.40 20' landed 2020-10-15 at 10.20.59 Bye Bye to the old one 2020-10-15 at 10.35.37 Towing the stuck lorry out 2020-10-15 at 12.25.21 All in place 2020-10-15 at 12.43.58 2020-10-30 Lighting and work bench 2

After much planning and prearation we have eventually got our new club house and storage unit.  The COVID19 virus delayed our plans by about 4 months but at long last they are now on site.

There was a lot of preparation necessary but the members mucked in and made short work of it all.  We cleared the access lane of the overhanging brambles and tree/shrub branches and supported the leaning fence posts.  While all this was going on sleepers were placed and levelled ready for rthe containers to sit on.  Julia very kindly provided an excellent lunch for all those who had turned out to help and Holger later arrived with ice lollies for everyone who wanted one.

Unfortunately the delivery vehicle couldn’t deliver into the field so we managed to negotiate the use of the nearby equestrian centre as a staging post.  We are very grateful to Linda York and the equestrian centre for allowing us to use their property to offload and stay overnight before being moved to their final location.  Delivery was made at just gone midday on 14th October 2020

Delivery of the first storage container took place soon after 09:00 on 15th October 2020 and the transfer of equipment stored in the old contaoiner was started immediately.  The club House arrived on site at 10:20 and was quickly put into place.  The old storage container was then loaded up to be removed from site at 10:35.  Unfortunately this is where the only hiccup of the day occurred.  The ground was a little wet and soft and the vehicle became stuck.  Fortunately this had already been forseen as a possibility and a tow vehicle was called in which caused a slight delay.  By 12:30 the lorry was on the move and left the field with the old unit.  By 12:45 we had our new facilities in place.

Now the fitting out of the club house can begin to provide members with some excellent facilities.